Pastor larry
I've been married 33 yrs, have a BA in Religion & MA in Ethical Leadership. I believe Great leaders draw out dreams with compassion, wisdom and understanding.
grieving the loss of the church you love (2024)
GRIEVING THE LOSS OF THE CHURCH YOU LOVE is about leading a church through grieving what was so they can experience the resurrection of Christ personally and corporately. It provides practical steps, stories, and a template to assist leaders in embracing the crucified life so they can experience the resurrection that Christ is calling us all toward. To better understand the initial axiom of this book check out the article:
Death Precedes Resurrection: https://bcmd.org/death-precedes-resurrection/
Read Introduction for Free: Click here to Read
You wouldn’t believe me if i told you (Summer of 2025)
You Wouldn’t Believe Me If I Told You is a book written by church leaders for church leaders! Whenever church leaders get together, it’s not long before they start to share stories. Over the last 25 years, Pastor Larry Davis has noticed this type of storytelling is a healing exercise for those who share. Typically, the stories are meant to encourage and remind the audience that they are not alone. Some stories are endearing, some downright hilarious, and others border on the ludicrous or scary. This book is an anthology of all those kinds of stories. Dates, places, names, and authors have been changed to protect the identities of all involved, while still being authentic to the original story.
All proceeds from this book support Biblical Counseling for those within the local church in partnership with Anchored Hope (https://anchoredhope.co).
To submit a story click here: https://www.pastorlarrydavis.com.